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Coming soon:

A real eye-catcher is our all-wheel drive four-wheeled vehicle with electric and pedal drive (pedelec).
Our E-Quad is an all-terrain, pedal-driven trend vehicle for everybody
The tilting stability due to the two-lane, high payload and traction create a new driving experience and offer a lot of flexibility
To get acquainted with the prices and completions - download the price list
Coming soon

Coming soon: Our four-wheel drive vehicle is a real eye-catcher

Our E-quad is an all-terrain, pedal-driven trend vehicle for everybody. The tipping stability due to the dual carriageway, high payload and traction create a new driving experience and offer a lot of flexibility – and this is extremely safe on all surfaces and over obstacles such as stairs.

Have we aroused your interest in our E-Quad 4x4?
The E-Quad 4x4 will be available for purchase soon!

Telephone consultation at 07223 9425877 or contact us by email at
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